The Final Throes of the Semester

It's that time of the semester:
  • Only one meeting left for each of my classes.
  • My student-managed fund survive their end-of semester presentation to the advisory board
  • I've graded and handed back all assignments except for final exams
  • I've even given out and collected my evaluations
Now all I have to do is make up my finals, give them, and grade them.

The crop is almost in. And man, oh man is it about time.

One of the things I like about this career is that it has a rhythm to it - we have new "crops" each semester, and a feeling of accomplishment once the semester is done. But that final week or two is always a bit crazy.

So, to all my readers: If you're a student, good luck on your exams and projects. If you're faculty, hang in there - it's almost time for the break.


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