EVENT RECAP: Inner Circle - Sports Investment Banking

Last Thursday, we had the pleasure of inviting in David Becker, from Inner Circle Sports, to discuss his career path and some of the things that differentiate sports investment banking from standard investment banking. The event was co-sponsored with STEBA, and we had an attendance of over 90 students!
Smit Purohit and Kunal Agrawal, two E-Committee members, began the event by presenting our weekly market update and discussing some of the recent headlines in the financial world. Mr. Becker then took over to introduce the firm, and discuss the basics of sports investment banking. Above, you can see him discussing the various valuation methods used in investment banking, and then narrowing down to the ones that apply specifically to sports teams. The discussion then turned to some recent activity in the space including the restructuring of the LA Dodgers, as well as Inner Circle's recent work with FC Liverpool.
This week we're going to switch the focus by beginning our Professor Series for this semester. Professor Robert Whitelaw will be coming in to discuss his recent research regarding exchange rates. Definitely be sure to come to this event, Thursday from 12:30 to 1:45pm!
Executive Board
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